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Virtual Classroom

Below, you can download (at no cost) all the music recordings you heard throughout this virtual exhibition. You can also download an ebook with the edited music scores of these works; And, if you are an educator you will find teaching material (teacher guides and lesson plans) for you to use in your classroom.


This room also features a sound map where we will indicate the places where the works contained in this binder’s volume, especially those of Rosa Echeverría, are being played today! If you want to be part of this sonic cartography, fill out the registration form that appears toward the bottom of this room. We invite you to perform these works and record yourself, and then send it to us! You can also edit the sound files to create new works out of them and generate new ways of listening to these wonderful pieces!

Carrusel historia3.jpg
Click here to download
all of the soundtracks.
Click here to download the sheet music as an ebook.
Click below to download teacher guides and lesson plans based on this exhibition.

How to use this map?

The blue icons show the location of new performances of the works contained in the Echeverría sisters' binder’s volume, especially the pieces by Rosa Echeverría. By clicking on each icon you can find a link to  youtube, vimeo, and other platforms, where you can listen to each of these performances indexed in this sound map.

What does this map show? 

This cartography depicts how this digital exhibition has created new sound flows and new interpretive communities, giving new life to all the music material contained in this binder’s volume. This shows us that music is not simply an artistic object but a moving process!

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